a tube of toothpaste next to a tube of tooth paste
a tube of toothpaste next to a tube of tooth paste

Asthma First Aid

The Asthma First Aid for Schools training is tailored for all school personnel. Given asthma's potential to strike anywhere, anytime, it is strongly recommended that all staff responsible for students undergo this training. This encompasses teachers, support staff, volunteers, substitutes, and school leaders. This online training by "Asthma Australia (A charity organization)" for school staff aims to provide asthma first-aid training in emergencies.

About Course

Asthma first aid training provided to school staff ensures student safety against attacks. The course is designed to be completed in approximately 1 hour and provides a certificate that remains valid for three years upon completion. It offers closed caption (CC) functionality for those who prefer reading over listening to audio. Each module is followed by quizzes aimed at reinforcing key messages. Participants can conveniently exit the course after each module and easily resume from the homepage when it's convenient for them.

person locking gym plates on barbell
person locking gym plates on barbell
children playing soccer
children playing soccer

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